Update CWI Created Drawings Quickly

Fabrication often involves unexpected, last minute changes. For example, a nozzle may be too close to a joint or need to be rotated slightly. The CWI makes it easy to adjust nozzles with its Edit Nozzle and Drag Nozzle features. Simply specify new coordinates and CWI will adjust the SOLIDWORKS model for you. Since the models are linked to the drawing they will be updated automatically. This convenient feature saves you time and ensures the information was updated correctly.

The Codeware Interface menu in SOLIDWORKS

Featured Codeware Interface Capabilities

Isometric view of a pressure vessel solid model created by the Codeware Interface add-on SOLIDWORKS Models Create fully featured SOLIDWORKS models from COMPRESS pressure vessel and heat exchanger design files The CWI automatically creates and applies Mates when importing COMPRESS or INSPECT pressure vessel and heat exchanger models. Mates Create geometric relationships between assembly components and define the allowable directions of linear or rotational motion Drawings Nozzle schedule drawing created by the Codeware Interface CWI includes Drafter 3D, a feature which generates pressure vessel drawings from CWI created solid models. Drawing Customization Your company drawing standards can be set up using custom templates that includes tables and schedules Codeware Interface pressure vessel drawing customization Model Editor Make adjustments to the model by specifying new coordinates and CWI will adjust the SOLIDWORKS model for you Simply edit solid models using the Codeware Interface add-on Weld Map WPS details from Shopfloor and weld geometries from COMPRESS are used to automatically generate Weld Maps Weld Map and WPS Code Legend created by the Codeware Interface Sheet Metal Import Import COMPRESS files and make use of the SOLIDWORKS sheet metal feature to automatically create flat (roll out) patterns. The Codeware Interface add-on makes use of the Sheet Metal feature in SOLIDWORKS Shopfloor Integration WPS details from Shopfloor and weld geometries from COMPRESS are used to automatically generate Weld Maps and Joint Detail drawings Nozzle welding procedure specification (WPS) created by the integration between Shopfloor and the Codeware Interface add-on

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