Codeware Blog

Codeware Blog2018-04-18T09:47:59-04:00

Introducing INSPECT – API 510 in 3D

Codeware is pleased to introduce INSPECT, software for mechanical integrity analysis of ASME VIII-1 equipment. Unlike other mechanical integrity software, INSPECT performs complete ASME calculations. INSPECT also records thickness surveys, shows condition monitoring [...]

By |February 12th, 2012|Categories: INSPECT Videos|Tags: , , |

Why Perform UG-99 Hydrotest Stress Calculations?

ASME UG-99 Hydrostatic Test Stress Calculations ASME Code paragraph UG-99 requires that all vessels undergo hydrostatic (or pneumatic) testing before Code stamping. As this test provides mechanical stress relief it may be thought of [...]

By |April 11th, 2011|Categories: COMPRESS Videos|Tags: |
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