Codeware Blog

Codeware Blog2018-04-18T09:47:59-04:00

Integrate COMPRESS With Autodesk Inventor

We are pleased to introduce the Codeware Interface®, an add-in for Autodesk® Inventor® or SOLIDWORKS®. The Codeware Interface add-in for Inventor imports your COMPRESS pressure vessel model and manages the associated data through [...]

By |January 15th, 2013|Categories: Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|Tags: , |

Tangential, Tilted and Hillside Nozzle Design

Due to process and pipe routing considerations, nozzles on pressure vessels and heat exchangers are frequently placed in non-radial orientations. These non-radial or hillside nozzle to vessel intersections create obround openings which require additional [...]

By |November 9th, 2012|Categories: COMPRESS Videos|Tags: |
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