Codeware Blog

Codeware Blog2018-04-18T09:47:59-04:00

Export Heat Exchangers to Autodesk Inventor

COMPRESS 2015 users can now export pressure vessels and heat exchangers to Autodesk Inventor using our Codeware Interface add-in. There's no additional charge to use the Codeware Interface provided you have a current [...]

By |January 7th, 2015|Categories: Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|Tags: , , |

Quick Vessel and Exchanger Design

Do you need to quote a vessel or exchanger for a rush job? COMPRESS includes a wizard interface which requires only basic information to model complete pressure vessels (shown above) and Heat [...]

By |August 11th, 2014|Categories: COMPRESS Videos|Tags: , , , , |

Edit COMPRESS Pressure Vessel Models Using Inventor

Import a smart COMPRESS pressure vessel model into Autodesk Inventor using the Codeware Interface add-in. Once imported, Inventor's built-in capabilities make editing easy. There is no additional charge for the Codeware Interface add-in [...]

By |February 12th, 2014|Categories: Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|Tags: , |
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