Quickly Generate Detailed FFS Reports With INSPECT

Do your current Fitness-For-Service (FFS) reports leave you wondering how the answers were calculated?  Are you spending too much time creating FFS reports?  INSPECT will save you time by producing audit ready reports with a single button click. In this video we show you how easy it is to create detailed API 579-1 documentation [...]

Quickly Generate Detailed FFS Reports With INSPECT2021-05-25T12:00:01-04:00

API 579-1 Part 9 Crack-like Flaw Assessments and Excel Integration in INSPECT

We're pleased to announce the release of INSPECT 2019 Build 7910. New feature additions include: Level 1 crack-like flaw assessments Support for ASME® Codes dating back to 1950 Import/Export Excel® inspection data files Drag and drop CML placement To see these new features in action watch the video [...]

API 579-1 Part 9 Crack-like Flaw Assessments and Excel Integration in INSPECT2023-05-25T09:11:09-04:00

COMPRESS, Shopfloor and INSPECT 2019

December 13, 2018 - We are pleased to announce that updates to our software suite are now available. Exciting new capabilities for 2019 include: COMPRESS - Pressure Vessel Design Air-cooled heat exchangers per Appendix 13 & API 661 ASME PCC-1 flange assembly bolt stress A productivity enhancing Quick Design mode [...]

COMPRESS, Shopfloor and INSPECT 20192023-06-14T09:37:31-04:00

External Loads and B16.5 Flange Pressure Ratings

ASME Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85: Nozzle Loads and ASME B16.5 and B16.47 Flange Ratings OK, here is the new Interpretation that addresses loadings on your standard flanges….if this is the first time hearing about this don’t worry I’m going to break this down. In 2017 the ASME released Code Interpretation BPV VIII-1-16-85. Essentially [...]

External Loads and B16.5 Flange Pressure Ratings2021-12-20T14:10:44-05:00

Pressure Vessel Calculations, Codes and UG-22

Pressure Vessel Calculations and UG-22 Many of the pressure vessel calculations needed to properly design a vessel or exchanger are not, by design, contained in the ASME VIII BPVC itself.  To produce a complete set of pressure vessel calculations that comply with both customer's specifications and ASME VIII, paragraph UG-22, a number of [...]

Pressure Vessel Calculations, Codes and UG-222021-08-13T08:39:48-04:00

Pressure Vessel Lifting and Rigging Analysis

Lifting and Rigging Analysis What use is a highly engineered piece of pressure equipment if you can't safely get it off the rail car and stand it up?  COMPRESS and INSPECT include an integrated solution to this complex task.  When performing lifting and rigging analysis COMPRESS and INSPECT: Use an accurate weight [...]

Pressure Vessel Lifting and Rigging Analysis2021-08-13T10:32:11-04:00

All Material is Created the Same…Right?

Carbon Steel Materials and Unexpected Brittle Fracture It’s been a while since I posted anything so I thought I would touch on an issue that recently came to my attention. Today’s blog entry deals with certain carbon steel materials and unexpected brittle fracture. We all know all materials are not created exactly the same. There [...]

All Material is Created the Same…Right?2017-03-30T15:53:00-04:00

Webinar – API 579 Fitness for Service Using INSPECT

Do you need to quickly evaluate whether or not it's acceptable to continue running fixed equipment once a damage mechanism has been identified? In this webinar, Codeware's General Manager Matt Heilandt, P.Eng. shows you how Codeware's INSPECT software can help you perform Fitness-For-Service (FFS) analysis on your vessels, exchangers and piping. During [...]

Webinar – API 579 Fitness for Service Using INSPECT2022-12-28T09:55:08-05:00
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