Codeware Webinars and Tutorials

Codeware Webinars and Tutorials2025-01-30T13:50:58-05:00

Codeware On-Demand Webinars & Tutorials


The Codeware Interface® add-in for SOLIDWORKS® imports your COMPRESS pressure vessel model and manages the associated data through custom properties. Eliminate manual entry of vessel data and automate repetitive tasks such as fixing the model and performing interference checks. Simplify the preparation of new construction or as-built vessel drawings and bills of materials. Easily map imported vessel data to templates [...]

June 19th, 2013|Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|

Integrate COMPRESS With Autodesk Inventor

We are pleased to introduce the Codeware Interface®, an add-in for Autodesk® Inventor® or SOLIDWORKS®. The Codeware Interface add-in for Inventor imports your COMPRESS pressure vessel model and manages the associated data through iProperties. There is no additional charge for the Codeware Interface add-in provided that your company has current COMPRESS support. How It Works Codeware Interface converts COMPRESS export files [...]

January 15th, 2013|Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|

Tangential, Tilted and Hillside Nozzle Design

Due to process and pipe routing considerations, nozzles on pressure vessels and heat exchangers are frequently placed in non-radial orientations. These non-radial or hillside nozzle to vessel intersections create obround openings which require additional geometric calculations to meet ASME VIII BPVC rules. Put another way, the nozzle opening diameter d used for UG-37 reinforcement calculations is not fixed by the nozzle size; [...]

November 9th, 2012|COMPRESS Videos|

Pressure Vessel Component Design With COMPRESS

Simple Pressure Vessel Component Design COMPRESS does not require you to model an entire pressure vessel to design or rate individual components. This capability is useful when investigating a pressure vessel component that must be modified. For complicated components, like Appendix 2 flanges and nozzles, the user can call upon a specific wizard to create the design. Alternatively, users can [...]

October 5th, 2012|COMPRESS Videos|

Check Nozzle Loads With WRC 537, WRC 107

Check Piping Loads Using WRC 107, WRC 537 Process piping imposes external loads on vessel and exchanger nozzles that must be accounted for (see ASME VIII-1, UG-22).  Stresses on pressure vessel nozzles and attachments have historically been checked using the Welding Research Council Bulletin 107. WRC 537 was published in 2010 and was meant to update and replace the widely used [...]

August 2nd, 2012|COMPRESS Videos|

Multiple Pressure Chamber Stacked Vessel Design

Having trouble viewing this video? Download video (.mov 10MB) Stacked Vessel Design Using COMPRESS Certain industrial processes require pressure vessels to be built with multiple chambers operating under different design conditions. COMPRESS and INSPECT both support multiple pressure chamber, stacked vessel designs.  Benefits of using this feature include: Individual pressures, temperatures, materials, corrosion allowances etc. can be specified for [...]

July 5th, 2012|COMPRESS Videos|


The Codeware HTRI interface COMPRESS and INSPECT offer a bi-directional interface with HTRI’s Xchanger Suite Xist®. This feature saves time and enhances collaboration between Mechanical and Thermal Designers. The HTRI interface is included at no additional charge with INSPECT and is provided with the COMPRESS Heat Exchanger Option. Xchanger Suite Xist users can access shell and tube heat exchanger (Xist) files [...]

May 3rd, 2012|COMPRESS Videos|

Vessel Data Charts and Process Loops

The INSPECT project feature allows equipment to be grouped and managed as process loops. This video shows how INSPECT can create custom vessel data charts that summarize a process loop's governing condition monitoring location (CML), remaining life and required inspection date. Having trouble viewing this video? Download video (.mov 19MB) [...]

February 15th, 2012|INSPECT Videos|

Introducing INSPECT – API 510 in 3D

Codeware is pleased to introduce INSPECT, software for mechanical integrity analysis of ASME VIII-1 equipment. Unlike other mechanical integrity software, INSPECT performs complete ASME calculations. INSPECT also records thickness surveys, shows condition monitoring locations (CMLs) and generates full reports. Having trouble viewing this video? Download video (.mov 37MB) [...]

February 12th, 2012|INSPECT Videos|

Openings in Support Skirts

Support Skirt Openings Piping connections to vertical vessels often require additional piping and an opening cut out of the support skirt. COMPRESS includes the ability to specify and check the adequacy of this commonly encountered design detail. Circular pipe sleeves, internal projections, tilt angles, and skirt reinforcing pads can be considered. The ability to add pipe elbows, reducers, and piping that [...]

August 11th, 2011|COMPRESS Videos|

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