Codeware Webinars and Tutorials

Codeware Webinars and Tutorials2025-01-30T13:50:58-05:00

Codeware On-Demand Webinars & Tutorials

What’s New in COMPRESS 2019

New features in COMPRESS 2019 Build 7900 include: Air-cooled heat exchanger design per API 661 \ Appendix 13 ASME PCC-1, Appendix O flange assembly bolt stress calculations A productivity enhancing vessel Quick Design option Having trouble viewing this video? Download Video (.wmv 39 MB) To see how Codeware's suite of products can benefit your [...]

December 13th, 2018|COMPRESS, COMPRESS Videos|

What’s New in Shopfloor 2019

Is your welding software slowing you down? Change to Shopfloor and speed things up! New features in Shopfloor 2019 include: More flexible query processing Advanced data sorting and filtering A faster, more responsive user interface To see how Codeware's suite of products can benefit your organization we invite you to contact us today. [...]

December 13th, 2018|Shopfloor, Shopfloor Videos|

Nozzle Section Cuts and Custom BOM

The Codeware Interface add-in is bundled with every COMPRESS and INSPECT license. New features for 2019 include: Nozzle section cuts for accurate shell roll-outs Fully customizable BOM descriptions Importation of INSPECT piping solid models To see how Codeware's suite of products can benefit your organization we invite you to contact us today. [...]

December 13th, 2018|Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|

The Benefits of Specifying ASME Division 2 Class 1

Welcome to the second installment of our 2 part series on the advantages of using Division 2 Class 1. In our last Division 2 post, we did a brief comparison of Class 1 and Division 1. In this video, we use a real world vessel example to illustrate the savings possible with Class 1. If you are building or buying carbon steel vessels [...]

August 16th, 2018|COMPRESS, COMPRESS Videos|

ASME VIII-2 (Division 2) Class 1 Vessels

New in ASME VIII-2: Class 1 Vessels The recently introduced ASME VIII-2 Class 1 designation provides a way to specify and build vessels that are more economical than those produced using traditional Division 1 rules. Advantages of Class 1 over Division 1 include: Modern, more accurate design equations Higher allowable stresses Reduced wall thicknesses, nozzle reinforcement and [...]

July 9th, 2018|COMPRESS, COMPRESS Videos|

ASME UG-44 – External Loads on Flanges

External Flange Loads and ASME UG-44 Do you need a way to combine pressure and external loads when designing pressure vessel flanges?  With the release of the 2019 Edition of the ASME Code, Code Case 2901 has been moved into UG-44, a mandatory Code paragraph.  Applying this recent Code change in COMPRESS helps you to: Meet updated client specifications that [...]

June 12th, 2018|COMPRESS, COMPRESS Videos|

Drawing Additions to the CWI

Codeware Interface 7710 (CWI) Additions Include: Tube Bundle Drawings Detailed drawings, including dimensions, of fixed and floating type heat exchanger tube bundles can now be generated. Channel Drawings Front and rear heat exchanger channels detail drawings are now generated by selecting Codeware | Drafter 3D | Channels Detailed from the CWI options dialog. Support Saddle Drawings Drafter 3D now generates support saddle [...]

August 10th, 2017|Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|

COMPRESS 7710 Productivity Enhancements

COMPRESS 7710 New Features Include: Copy and Paste Nozzles Nozzles can now be copied and pasted between any components currently displayed in the 3D view, including between components on different vessels. To access this time saving new COMPRESS 7710 feature, select a nozzle from the Component Tree, activate the Copy Selected button, right click within the Component Tree and select [...]

August 9th, 2017|COMPRESS, COMPRESS Videos|

Webinar – API 579 Fitness for Service Using INSPECT

Do you need to quickly evaluate whether or not it's acceptable to continue running fixed equipment once a damage mechanism has been identified? In this webinar, Codeware's General Manager Matt Heilandt, P.Eng. shows you how Codeware's INSPECT software can help you perform Fitness-For-Service (FFS) analysis on your vessels, exchangers and piping. During our API 579 FFS webinar we'll cover how [...]

May 12th, 2016|INSPECT, INSPECT Videos|

Webinar – Meeting National Board Requirements with INSPECT

A brief overview of COMPRESS and INSPECT NBIC considerations - Re-rating or Relocating Equipment Design Margins Matter! - History of ASME Allowable Stress Re-rating Equipment Using INSPECT: NBIC Interpretation 98-14 Brittle Fracture and MDMT Inspection Schedules for Corrosion Benefits of Modeling Longitudinal Welds Webinar Reference Material Handouts from Webinar Webinar Q&A Having trouble viewing [...]

April 19th, 2016|INSPECT, INSPECT Videos|

Create Pressure Vessel Drawings in SOLIDWORKS

Create Pressure Vessel Drawings in SOLIDWORKS Webinar Topics Include: Importing the COMPRESS 3D model Viewing transferred properties and assembly configurations Using drawing templates, blocks and parametric tables Tips and tricks View All New Codeware Interface Features » To save even more time, nozzle Mates have been added to the solid models generated [...]

March 8th, 2016|Codeware Interface, Codeware Interface Videos|

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