Shopfloor Generated Drawings and Weld Maps

One of Shopfloor‘s biggest advantages is the way it seamlessly integrates with COMPRESS and SOLIDWORKS®. The workflow is a very simple three step process. Once your welders and welding procedures have been set up, all you have to do to create drawings and weld maps is:

  • Design (and save) your heat exchanger or pressure vessel in COMPRESS (or INSPECT).

  • Load the COMPRESS\INSPECT (XML3D) file into Shopfloor and assign weld procedures and welders to the various joints. These welding details are appended to the design information in the XML3D file by simply saving the XML3D from within Shopfloor.

  • Load the Shopfloor updated XML3D file into the Codeware Interface and automatically generate your drawings.  As shown on the right, these include weld maps and NDE or NDT inspection drawings.

Weld Maps & Drawings Easily Customized To Suit Your Requirements

Another benefit of Shopfloor’s integration with the Codeware Interface is how it leverages the power of SOLIDWORKS. It does this through the use of advanced solid modeling techniques including Assembly Representations, Configurations, Features, Sketches, Sheet Metal, and Mates. All of  the data imported from COMPRESS and Shopfloor is easily accessible from within SOLIDWORKS. Don’t like the way your drawings or weld maps look? Need more or less data shown in your tables? Changing these and other details on Codeware Interface created drawings is easy to do using built-in SOLIDWORKS tools. For those new to SOLIDWORKS, the Codeware Interface also includes a selection of standard detail drawing templates to help get you started.

Shopfloor Integrates With COMPRESS and SolidWorks to Generate Drawings and Weld Maps Automatically
Shopfloor Integrates With COMPRESS and SolidWorks to Generate Drawings and Weld Maps Automatically
Nozzle Detail Drawings Including WPS Assignments Are Automatically Created


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